What type of Pooper is your Pupper?

Every dog poops. This we all know. What type of pooper is your pupper?

We have written other articles on the Scoop with Poop, where we detail the importance of picking up after your dog and the health reasons for doing so. However, some dogs are sneaky, and it is easy to miss them doing their business at times when visiting the Home Run Dog Park.

Moka loves the Home Run Dog Park

It is important to continue to remind visitors that they need to be attentive and pick up their dogs waste, to keep the park clean for everyone.

So, in the spirit of fun, on an otherwise stinky subject, we thought we would share with you some of our observations on some of the poopers!

The Out of the Starting Gate Dropper: This dog gets things done, ASAP. He or she arrives at the park, and does their business within the first ten minutes of arrival as they sprint around and plays with new friends, Often this one’s droppings get overlooked because when you first arrive at the park, you might be looking around and saying hello to old friends. Be attentive with this pupper, if you catch onto their routine, it makes the rest of your stay a breeze.

The Fenceline Bandit: This dog frequently does its business right along the fenceline somewhere in the park. How do we know this? Because volunteers find quite a bit of their leftovers decorating this area. Pay attention to this fuzzy friend, as they can be sneaky and go unnoticed, especially if they happen to block your view for a moment with a tree or bench as they skirt along the outer parameter.

The Run & Stop Drop: This mover is all too common. Dogs often do a lot of running when at the dog park, and this is healthy. A part of all that running comes the urge to let one go. So you might be watching your dog from the corner of your eye, and see them blurring along in a total romp and miss the stop and drop move.

It’s easy to get distracted with so much activity at the dog park.

The Modest Deposit: Some dogs are modest. They will only do their business when they are sure no one is watching. They will hide behind a tunnel, a tree or under one of the platforms to make their deposits. It takes a watchful and attentive owner with this one, as they are often sneaky. Keep your radar up!

The Scooter Repeater: This dog will do its business, then scoot a few feet, and do it again, leaving a chain of little piles. Their smaller unmentionables can often hide in the grass, or you might miss one of the chain if you don’t pay attention. The best thing to do is stay close to this productive pupper.

The Ghost Trickster: This dog will go into the download stance, and when the owner gets over to the location they find nothing. So while you are searching around for the invisible dropping, the little trickster has trotted a few yards away and is really doing their business! What a tricky pup!

The Last To Go Fido: This dog decides to run away at the last minute when you are leaving and does their business. It is usually after you have walked all the way across the park and are standing near the gate when he or she has this sudden biological revelation. It’s easy to get complacent because you are tired and let this one go, but it still needs to be picked up. So trudge on over there and get it.

We hope this article has made you smile, and perhaps even chuckle! Remember to do your part to help keep the Home Run Dog Park clean. If you find poop in your travels through the park, be kind and pick it up knowing that some dog may have just been particularly sneaky and left it there. It is all part of keeping a healthy dog park!

Thank you in advance!

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